You Can Afford A Social Security Attorney: Find Out How
Being unable to work at your job can place even the most financially savvy in a precarious position. Given that it can take months and months for the approval process to get Social Security payments, you could end up really hurting for funds by the time you hear back from them. Then, it happens: you get turned down. While this can seem like devastating news, you should take heart. Your quest to get Social Security benefits is not over; you've just completed part one. You deserve benefits and you need help to get them, so read on to find out how you can get the legal professional help you need to take the next step.
The Next Step
Don't feel all alone, many people get turned down on their initial application for benefits. Luckily for you, the Social Security Administration (SSA) gives applicants a chance to plead their case in front of a hearing officer at an appeals hearing. Take care, you only have a limited amount of time to respond to the denial letter and request an appeal hearing.
Using Your Back Pay
You may have heard about back pay; it's the way the SSA allows you to be reimbursed (partially) for the time between your inability to work and the time your benefits gets approved. This money is paid out to you in a lump sum and then your monthly benefits begin.
The Attorney Back Pay Connection
To pull it all together, the SSA has sanctioned some rules that allow filers to use their back pay to pay for legal help. Social Security attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means that they will represent you at your appeal hearing and they agree to only get paid if you win your case. They then receive their fee from the SSA out of your lump sum back pay fund, with the remainder coming to you.
The Fee Agreement
The SSA strictly oversees the fee agreement between you and your attorney, and must approve of it in advance. The attorney is limited to more than 25% of your total back pay payment (up to $6,000). Your attorney may seek less, but whatever you do make sure that you have the representation you need at your hearing. Your attorney will ensure that you file for your appeal in time, that you procure any needed medical proof of your disability and that you are well-prepared to answer to the appeals officer about your inability to work at your job because of your medical condition.
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