You Can Afford A Social Security Attorney: Find Out How

Being unable to work at your job can place even the most financially savvy in a precarious position. Given that it can take months and months for the approval process to get Social Security payments, you could end up really hurting for funds by the time you hear back from them. Then, it happens: you get turned down. While this can seem like devastating news, you should take heart. Your quest to get Social Security benefits is not over; you've just completed part one. [Read More]

How Treatment Issues Will Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Treatment-related issues are some of the things that will affect your personal injury claim the most. Here are three things you should know about their effect: The Type of Treatment Matters a Lot There are many different forms of treatments that have proven effective today, but the insurance companies treat some of them as less reliable than others. In particular, the insurance industry prefers mainstream western treatment methods and is suspicious of alternative treatment methods. [Read More]

6 Tips For Driving On Blackout Wednesday And Thanksgiving Weekend In General

Forget Black Friday -- far more dangerous to the average American these days is the growing cultural phenomenon of "Blackout Wednesday," or "Drunksgiving," which has rapidly spread roots out from almost every major city to small cities and towns all over the country. ' It's the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, and it is now officially one of American's drunkest nights of the year. That also makes it one of the most deadly times of the year to be on the road -- death rates are 50% higher than any other time of the year. [Read More]

Seven Facts You Need To Know About Wrongful Death Suits

If you've lost a loved one, you may be wondering if you can bring forth a wrongful death suit. The laws vary from state to state, and ultimately, you need to contact an attorney who is familiar with the laws in your area. However, first, you may want to check out this list of facts about wrongful death. 1. Wrongful Death Due to Medical Malpractice Is Extremely Common According to some estimates, wrongful death due to medical malpractice is the third most common cause of death in the United States. [Read More]